NOVA Birth Partners, LLC //

Placenta Encapsulation Services

All of our Packages include:
+ Pick up of placenta from birth location and mailed delivery to your home!
+ Fast turnaround time, typically within 48 hours unless placenta was frozen
+ Choice of Preparation Method: Simply Dehydrated or Steamed & Dehydrated
+ Choice of Size 0 Capsules: Clear Vegetarian or Berry Flavored Gelatin
+ Preparation will take place in our dedicated workspace.

Simple Package // $275
+ Placenta Capsules

Deluxe Package // $325
+ Placenta Capsules
+ 4 oz Placenta Tincture

Premium Package // $400
+ Encapsulation in the Client's Home for a total of $525
+ Placenta Capsules
+ 4 oz Placenta Tincture
+ Lactation Support Bundle
+ 3 oz Organic Postpartum Herbal Bath

Placenta Cubes // $275
+ Food Safety Certified Preparation
+ Individually Packaged Smoothie Cubes

By completing this form you are hiring NOVA Birth Partners, LLC for Placenta Encapsulation Services.