Is this your first baby? *
Have you encapsulated in the past? *
If no, please type "N/A"
Do you know your current GBS (Group B strep) status? *
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following bloodborne diseases? *
Please put N/A if not applicable.
Choice of Placenta Encapsulation Services *
National Placenta Encapsulation Options *
Simply Dehydrated Preparation Method //
Raw Foods Inspired Method of Preparation. Also called "High-Yield" or "RAW" Method. This is the most popular choice of our clients. This method skips the steaming process altogether and the placenta is sliced while still "raw" and dehydrated immediately. The placenta is dehydrated at 160 degrees according to USDA safety recommendations for dehydrating meat. At this temperature, bacteria and active enzymes are destroyed. It is believed that essential hormones are retained and the iron content is made more bio-available using the Raw Method. This method yields a higher number of capsules than Traditional Chinese Method. Based on responses from clients' experiences, this method is the most balancing as it produces both emotionally balancing properties and increased energy. Some indications for choosing the Simply Dehydrated Preparation Method would be: long labor, postpartum hemorrhage or a history of it, desire to increase breast milk and energy immediately postpartum.
Steamed and Dehydrated Preparation Method //
This method is also known as the Traditional Method, Traditional Chinese Medicine Inspired Method, or TCM. It is the oldest known method and follows with the TCM principles and specific needs during the postpartum period. In TCM theory, the process of labor and birth leaves the mother with an open, empty space which is considered very cold or yin. One way to promote healing during this time is to add warm energy via heat, or yang. This method of preparation involves steaming the placenta gently with optional herbs and then dehydrating at 160 degrees. If desired, we can add fresh and organic lemon, ginger and cayenne pepper, only if requested. Putting the herbs in the steaming process is thought to bring out the placenta’s natural healing properties. Lemon is thought of as an antiseptic and helps to distribute the placenta throughout the body. Cayenne and ginger are warming herbs and thought to lend their properties to the placenta. The ginger specifically acts as a facilitator for energy and good blood flow. TCM is believed to offer toning, healing and warming properties. If your placenta has been frozen, this is always the method of choice.
Choice of Encapsulation Method *
Choice of Capsules *
Twin Placenta Options
(for twins with 2 placentas)
Additional Options to add on include:
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